
Creating atomic systems

To perform an electronic structure calculation, one first has to define an atomic system. This can be done in two ways, either manually or by means of the pypwdft.SystemBuilder class.


The most straightforward way is to use the pypwdft.SystemBuilder class. To build a system, one can run

from pypwdft import SystemBuilder, PeriodicSystem

# create cubic periodic system with lattice size of 10 Bohr units
npts = 16   # number of grid points
sz = 10

# construct CH4 molecule system via SystemBuilder
s = SystemBuilder().from_name('CH4', sz=sz, npts=npts)

To view the unit cell matrix and the atomic coordinates, one can simply invoke


which in the above scenario yields the following output

[[10.  0.  0.]
 [ 0. 10.  0.]
 [ 0.  0. 10.]]
6  (5.0000  5.0000  5.0000)
1  (6.1958  6.1958  6.1958)
1  (3.8042  3.8042  6.1958)
1  (3.8042  6.1958  3.8042)
1  (6.1958  3.8042  3.8042)

The following molecules are available via the pypwdft.SystemBuilder class:

  • benzene

  • bf3

  • ch4

  • co

  • ethylene

  • h2

  • h2o

  • he

  • lih

  • nh3


Unless otherwise specified, atomic units are used throughout the program. This means that all distances are provided in Bohr units.


Alternatively, one can also build a system by hand. First, define the unit cell and the number of sampling points per Cartesian direction.

from pypwdft import PeriodicSystem

npts = 32   # number of grid points
sz = 10     # edge size of cubic unit cell
s = PeriodicSystem(sz, npts)

Next, one can add atoms to the PeriodicSystem by means of the pypwdft.PeriodicSystem.add_atom method

# atomic positions
atompos = np.array([[5.00000000, 5.00000000, 5.00000000],
                    [6.19575624, 6.19575624, 6.19575624],
                    [3.80424376, 3.80424376, 6.19575624],
                    [3.80424376, 6.19575624, 3.80424376],
                    [6.19575624, 3.80424376, 3.80424376]])

# atomic charges
charges = [6, 1, 1, 1, 1] # C + 4 x H

# add atoms to the system
for p,c in zip(atompos, charges):
    s.add_atom(p[0], p[1], p[2], c)

Performing electronic structure calculation

Electronic structure calculations are handled by the pypwdft.PyPWDFT class. For each separate electronic structure calculation, one creates a fresh instance of this class. Upon instancing, a pypwdft.PeriodicSystem instance is provided. Furthermore, the user can select which FFT algorithm is being used. Three options are available:

By default, pyfftw is used as this algorithm provides the best performance.

After building the pypwdft.PyPWDFT instance, the electronic structure calculation can be invoked by running pypwdft.PyPWDFT.scf. This function allows for several parameters tuning the execution. The default parameters are however typically suitable. By default, no output is written to the console, but this can be changed by setting verbose=True. Below, an example is provided how to set-up a electronic structure calculation.

from pypwdft import PyPWDFT, PeriodicSystem, SystemBuilder

# create cubic periodic system with lattice size of 10 Bohr units
npts = 32   # number of grid points
sz = 10

# construct CH4 molecule system via SystemBuilder
s = SystemBuilder().from_name('CH4', sz=sz, npts=npts)

# construct calculator object
calculator = PyPWDFT(s)

# perform self-consistent field procedure and store results in res object
res = calculator.scf(tol=1e-5, verbose=True)

Upon execution of this code, the following output is written to the console

001 | Etot =  25.72188838 Ht | eps = 2.5722e+01 | dt = 0.5023 s
002 | Etot =  -3.73540233 Ht | eps = 2.9457e+01 | dt = 0.5098 s
003 | Etot = -21.73526459 Ht | eps = 1.8000e+01 | dt = 0.5807 s
031 | Etot = -37.74458043 Ht | eps = 2.4958e-05 | dt = 0.9166 s
032 | Etot = -37.74459617 Ht | eps = 1.5732e-05 | dt = 1.0046 s
033 | Etot = -37.74460604 Ht | eps = 9.8741e-06 | dt = 1.0156 s

Furthermore, the result of the calculation are stored in a so-called results dictionary. This dictionary contains the following entries:

  • Energy : List of total electronic energy per iteration

  • Etot : Total electronic energy

  • Ekin : Kinetic energy

  • Enuc : Nuclear attraction energy

  • Erep : Electron-electron repulsion energy

  • Exc : Exchange-correlation energy

  • edens : Electron density scalar field

  • k2 : Plane wave vector magnitudes

  • dV : Real-space integration constant

  • Eewald : Nuclear-nuclear repulsion (Ewald sum)

  • orbc_fft : Reciprocal-space representation of the molecular orbitals

  • orbe : Molecular orbital energies

  • orbc_rs : Real-space representation of the molecular orbitals

  • ttime : Total computation time


All energies are provided in Hartrees.

Visualizing molecular orbitals

Molecular orbitals can be visualized using matplotlib. The results of the pypwdft.PyPWDFT.scf routine is a dictionary of which one of its elements is orbc_rs. This element corresponds to a four-dimensional array where the first index loops over the molecular orbitals with increasing orbital energy.

Two-dimensional projections

By setting the two indices, one can essentially extract a specific z-layer from the scalar field of any of the molecular orbitals and in turn visualize these using the imshow function of matplotlib. This is demonstrated in the script below.


The wave functions generated by a plane wave density functional theory calculation are complex values, i.e.

\[\psi(\vec{r}) \in \mathbb{C}^{3}\]

and as such, it is recommended to visualize both the real and complex parts of the wave function as well as its electron density as given by

\[\rho = |\psi(\vec{r})|^{2} = \psi(\vec{r}) \cdot \psi^{*}(\vec{r}).\]
# import the required libraries for the test
from pypwdft import PyPWDFT, PeriodicSystem, SystemBuilder
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

def main():
    # create cubic periodic system with lattice size of 10 Bohr units
    npts = 32   # number of grid points
    sz = 10

    # construct CH4 molecule system via SystemBuilder
    s = SystemBuilder().from_name('CH4', sz=sz, npts=npts)

    # construct calculator object
    calculator = PyPWDFT(s)

    # perform self-consistent field procedure and store results in res object
    res = calculator.scf(tol=1e-1, verbose=True)

    # visualize the occupied molecular orbitals
    fig, im = plt.subplots(3,5, dpi=300, figsize=(16,8))
    orbe = res['orbe']
    fig.suptitle('Occupied molecular orbitals of CH$_{4}$')
    m = np.empty((3,5), dtype=object) # create placeholder for maps

    for i in range(0,5):
        # visualize the real part of the wave function
        field = np.real(res['orbc_rs'][i][npts//2, :, :])
        maxval = max(np.max(np.abs(field)), 0.1)
        m[0][i] = im[0,i].imshow(field, origin='lower',
                interpolation='bicubic', extent=extent, cmap='PiYG',
                vmin=-maxval, vmax=maxval)
        im[0,i].set_title(r'$\mathbb{R}\;[\psi_{%i}]$' % (i+1))

        # visualize the imaginary part of the wave function
        field = np.imag(res['orbc_rs'][i][npts//2, :, :])
        maxval = max(np.max(np.abs(field)), 0.001)
        m[1][i] = im[1,i].imshow(field, origin='lower',
                interpolation='bicubic', extent=extent, cmap='PiYG',
                vmin=-maxval, vmax=maxval)
        im[1,i].set_title(r'$\mathbb{I}\;[\psi_{%i}]$' % (i+1))

        # visualize the electron density
        m[2][i] = im[2,i].imshow(np.real(res['orbc_rs'][i][npts//2, :, :].conj() *
                            res['orbc_rs'][i][npts//2, :, :]),
                    origin='lower', interpolation='bicubic', extent=extent)
        im[2,i].set_title(r'$\rho_{%i}$' % (i+1))

    for j in range(0,3):
        for i in range(0,5):
            im[j,i].set_xlabel('$x$-position [a.u.]')
            im[j,i].set_ylabel('$y$-position [a.u.]')

            divider = make_axes_locatable(im[j,i])
            cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
            fig.colorbar(m[j][i], cax=cax, orientation='vertical')


if __name__ == '__main__':

The result of running this script is shown below.



Alternative to two-dimensional projections, one can also create isosurfaces. For this, we will use the external module PyTessel. For isosurfaces, a relatively large number of sampling points for the scalar fields are required. However, this comes at the expense of computational time. To tackle this, we can use upsampling procedures. Here, we show two such upsampling methods, corresponding to quintic interpolation and frequency-domain upsampling.

Quintic interpolation

We will perform the electronic structure calculation initially using only 32 sampling points per Cartesian direction and follow up using quintic interpolation to “upsample” the scalar fields. An example of this process is shown in the image below.

import numpy as np
from pytessel import PyTessel
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from pypwdft import PyPWDFT, SystemBuilder, PeriodicSystem

def main():
    # create cubic periodic system with lattice size of 10 Bohr units
    npts = 32       # number of grid points
    sz = 10

    # construct CO molecule system via SystemBuilder
    s = SystemBuilder().from_name('CO', sz=sz, npts=npts)

    # construct calculator object
    calculator = PyPWDFT(s)

    # perform self-consistent field procedure and store results in res object
    res = calculator.scf(tol=1e-5, nsol=9, verbose=True)

    # generate PyTessel object
    pytessel = PyTessel()

    for i in range(2,9):
        print('Building isosurfaces: %02i' % (i+1))
        scalarfield = interpolate_grid(res['orbc_rs'][i], sz, npts, 4)
        unitcell = np.identity(3) * sz

        # build positive real isosurface
        vertices, normals, indices = pytessel.marching_cubes(scalarfield.real.flatten(), scalarfield.shape, unitcell.flatten(), 0.1)
        pytessel.write_ply('MO_PR_%02i.ply' % (i+1), vertices, normals, indices)

        # build negative real isosurface
        vertices, normals, indices = pytessel.marching_cubes(scalarfield.real.flatten(), scalarfield.shape, unitcell.flatten(), -0.1)
        pytessel.write_ply('MO_NR_%02i.ply' % (i+1), vertices, normals, indices)

        # build positive imaginary isosurface
        vertices, normals, indices = pytessel.marching_cubes(scalarfield.imag.flatten(), scalarfield.shape, unitcell.flatten(), 0.1)
        pytessel.write_ply('MO_PI_%02i.ply' % (i+1), vertices, normals, indices)

        # build negative imaginary isosurface
        vertices, normals, indices = pytessel.marching_cubes(scalarfield.imag.flatten(), scalarfield.shape, unitcell.flatten(), -0.1)
        pytessel.write_ply('MO_NI_%02i.ply' % (i+1), vertices, normals, indices)

def interpolate_grid(scalarfield, sz, npts, amp=2):
    x = np.linspace(0, sz, npts)
    interp = RegularGridInterpolator((x,x,x), scalarfield, method='quintic')
    s = PeriodicSystem(sz, npts * amp)
    points = s.get_r()

    return interp(points)

if __name__ == '__main__':

In the image below, the isosurfaces corresponding to the real part of the scalar field for the 3σ, 4σ and 1π orbitals are visualized.


Frequency domain upsampling

In the code below, an example for frequency scale upsampling is shown.

import numpy as np
from pytessel import PyTessel
from pypwdft import PyPWDFT, SystemBuilder

def main():
    # create cubic periodic system with lattice size of 10 Bohr units
    npts = 32       # number of grid points
    sz = 10

    # construct CO molecule system via SystemBuilder
    s = SystemBuilder().from_name('CH4', sz=sz, npts=npts)

    # construct calculator object
    calculator = PyPWDFT(s)

    # perform self-consistent field procedure and store results in res object
    res = calculator.scf(tol=1e-5, verbose=True)

    # print molecular orbital energies

    # generate PyTessel object
    pytessel = PyTessel()

    for i in range(5):
        print('Building isosurfaces: %02i' % (i+1))
        scalarfield = upsample_grid(res['orbc_fft'][i], sz**3, 4)
        unitcell = np.identity(3) * sz

        # build positive real isosurface
        vertices, normals, indices = pytessel.marching_cubes(scalarfield.real.flatten(), scalarfield.shape, unitcell.flatten(), 0.03)
        pytessel.write_ply('MO_PR_%02i.ply' % (i+1), vertices, normals, indices)

        # build negative real isosurface
        vertices, normals, indices = pytessel.marching_cubes(scalarfield.real.flatten(), scalarfield.shape, unitcell.flatten(), -0.03)
        pytessel.write_ply('MO_NR_%02i.ply' % (i+1), vertices, normals, indices)

        # build positive imaginary isosurface
        vertices, normals, indices = pytessel.marching_cubes(scalarfield.imag.flatten(), scalarfield.shape, unitcell.flatten(), 0.03)
        pytessel.write_ply('MO_PI_%02i.ply' % (i+1), vertices, normals, indices)

        # build negative imaginary isosurface
        vertices, normals, indices = pytessel.marching_cubes(scalarfield.imag.flatten(), scalarfield.shape, unitcell.flatten(), -0.03)
        pytessel.write_ply('MO_NI_%02i.ply' % (i+1), vertices, normals, indices)

def upsample_grid(scalarfield_fft, Omega, upsample=4):
    Nx, Ny, Nz = scalarfield_fft.shape
    Nx_up = Nx * upsample
    Ny_up = Nx * upsample
    Nz_up = Nx * upsample

    # shift the frequencies
    fft = np.fft.fftshift(scalarfield_fft)

    # perform padding
    fft_upsampled = np.pad(fft, [((Nz_up-Nz)//2,),
                                ((Nx_up-Nx)//2,)], 'constant')

    # shift back
    fft_hires = np.fft.ifftshift(fft_upsampled)

    return np.fft.ifftn(fft_hires) *[Nx_up, Ny_up, Nz_up]) / np.sqrt(Omega)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Using the above scripts, the molecular orbitals as shown in the image below are found. Here, an isovalue of 0.03 was used. Since the molecular orbitals are complex-valued, both the real-part (orange-blue) as well as the the imaginary part (purple-green) is visualized provided that the imaginary part has a significant contribution. Though it might not look to be the case based on the shape of the orbitals, if one runs the above script, it can be verified that the latter three orbitals have equal orbital energies.
