Common Neighbor Analysis
The Common Neighbor Analysis (CNA) method is a pattern recognition algorithm for single atoms. [1] A unique fingerprint is assigned to each atom based on its atomic environment. It can act as an effective method to distinguish between active sites and/or facets for crystalline systems. [2] Various flavours of the CNA algorithm exist:
- Conventional CNA
Based on a pre-fixed cut-off distance the neighbors for each atom are collected. This cut-off distance depends on the type of crystal lattice that one studies.
- Adaptive CNA
Rather than specifying a fixed cut-off distance, in the adaptive algorithm the optimal cutoff radius is automatically determined for each individual particle. [3]
- Interval CNA
When a suitable cutoff is challenging to determine using conventional or adaptive CNA, especially at high temperatures, the Interval Common Neighbor Analysis (i-CNA) method [4] can be employed. i-CNA examines all potential threshold choices for each particle, making it slower but achieving a higher recognition rate compared to other methods.
- Bond-based CNA
Within this flavour the CNA is on the particle network’s existing bonds, without considering particle distance or using a cutoff radius. To use this mode, particles must have pre-defined bonds.
Bramble uses an adaptive CNA based on the implementation of Reinhart and coworkers [5] and first documented in the work of van Etten [6].
Within Bramble, the cut-off distance for an atom is determined based on the distances with the six nearest neighbors according to the following equation
Based on this cut-off distance, all the neighbors of the atom are determined
and based on these atoms a binary adjacency matrix is constructed wherein each
element is a 1
if the distance between those atoms is smaller than
\(r_{\text{cut}}\) or a 0
otherwise. This adjacency matrix is essentially
a representation of the neighborhood graph between the atoms. For each node in
this neighborhood graph a triplet of values, i.e. the so-called CNA
indices, is assigned. These indices are:
The number of nearest neighbor nodes.
The number of edges connecting those nodes to each other.
The length of the longest continuous path among those edges.
Finally, the indices of each node are collected and a fingerprint is constructed based on how many times each CNA triplet is found within the graph.
We here provide an example for a low-coordinated surface atom at the Co (11-21) interface. (see image below) This an atom has 6 neighbors based on the value of \(r_{\text{cut}}\).

Schematic depiction of the CNA algorithm. (1) Geometry of the Co (11-21) surface termination. For the highlighted atom, the CNA fingerprint is going to be determined. Based on the cutoff distance, this atom has six neighbors as indicated by the circles. (2) For these neighbors, an adjacency matrix is constructed. For each off-diagonal element in this matrix a value of one is assigned if the distance of the corresponding two neighbors is less than the cutoff distance. If not, the element has a value of zero. (3) For each node in the adjacency matrix, a triplet of CNA indices is determined corresponding to (i) the number of nearest neighbor nodes, (ii) the number of edges connecting those nodes to each other, and (iii) the length of the longest continuous path among those edges.
From the graph (image 3), we can readily see that for the six nearest neighbors there are five different types of nodes.
Two of these nodes, colored in fuchsia, have the (2,0,0) CNA indices. As can be readily seen, these nodes only have two neighboring nodes and none of these neighboring nodes have any edges shared among them. Thus, the longest continuous path has to amount to zero edges.
The teal node with the CNA indices (3,1,1) has three neighbors(fuchsia, blue and green), a single edge is shared among these neighbors (green-blue) and the longest continuous path thus amounts to one edge.
The green node with the CNA indices (3,2,2) has three neighbors (teal, blue and yellow). There are two edges shared among these three neighbors (teal-blue and yellow-blue). The longest continuous path among these neighbors starts at the yellow node, going to the blue node and ending at the teal node, thus corresponding to two edges.
The yellow node with the CNA indices (2,1,1) has two neighbors (green and blue) for which one edge (green-blue) is shared among these neighbors. The longest continuous path among these neighbors is 1.
Finally the blue node with the CNA indices (4,2,2) has four neighbors (fuchsia, teal, green and yellow). Among these neighbors, two edges are shared (teal-green and green-yellow). The longest continuous path for these neighbors starts at the yellow node, goes to the green node and ends at the teal node.
Counting the number of unique CNA triplets and collecting them into a single
string representation yields 1(4,2,2)1(3,2,2)1(3,1,1)1(2,1,1)2(2,0,0)
There is no strict convention on how the multiplets of CNA indices are ordered
in the fingerprint construction. Bramble orders them in
descending fashion based on the string representation of the CNA triplet.
For example, (4,2,2)
precedes (4,2,1)
. In this ordering, the
multiplicity, i.e. the number of atoms having a particular CNA triplet, is
not used.
Below, a list of CNA patterns is given for very common surface terminations and bulk atoms is given.
Structure |
CNA pattern |
FCC bulk |
12(4,2,1) |
HCP bulk |
6(4,2,2)6(4,2,1) |
FCC(111) |
3(4,2,1)6(3,1,1) |
FCC(100) |
4(4,2,1)4(2,1,1) |
Different program might adopt different CNA triplet sorting routines and/or different cut-off distances. It is expected that CNA patterns are similar between different programs, but no such guarantee can be given. Always critically check upon the underlying algorithm when comparing the CNA patterns between different programs.
Similarity Analysis
Similarity analysis is done in Bramble by means of calculating the minimum Hilbert-Schmidt norm. Consider the distance matrix of the nearest neighbors of two atoms which are to be compared. These distance matrices are based on those neighboring atoms which have a distance less than the cutoff distance as defined above.
To determine the similarity between the two atoms, the following value is calculated
wherein the minimum is determined for all permutations \(P\) for a given matrix and wherein \(\mathbf{D}_{ij}^{(k)}\) and \(\mathbf{D}_{ij}^{(l)}\) are the distance matrices of the neighboring atoms of atoms \(k\) and \(l\), respectively.
Because establishing the minimum Hilbert-Schmidt norm is inherently tied to a graph isomorphism problem, Bramble executes a brute-force technique to probe all possible permutations \(P\) to ensure that the minimum is found.
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